Signing up for FCCU eStatements is fast and easy.
Just sign in to your FCCU home banking and use the eStatements menu along the top. A box will be pre-checked to GO Paperless. View the disclosure and click continue; you are all set.
eStatements, also referred to as electronic statements, have many advantages over paper statements.
- Faster: eStatements are available shortly after the month ends.
- Greener: No paper, ink or fuel is needed to get your eStatement, making them environmentally friendly.
- Secure: Mail can be lost, stolen, or tampered with, but eStatements are more secure.
- Disposal. eStatements eliminate the need to securely dispose of paper statements.
- Save: You will avoid the $2 paper statement fee each month a paper statement is delivered.
You will receive an email notification when your FCCU eStatements are available. The eStatements are PDF documents that are easily stored on your home device. There are 24 months of online storage available from the point you begin eStatements.